Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hangin Out with Brothers!

The last few weeks have been full of lounging around and settling into summer. 
Lazy mornings and pool side afternoons are the best! 

Isaac went to the Championship game.  Although they didn't win the Championship, Isaac was picked for the All-Star team and pulled out a win!  GO ISAAC!

I love Watters Creek!  We went out to Mi Cocina for Mommy's Birthday and had a blast playing in  the park while we waited.  Madeline loves ducks!  I think it was her first English word.  She is so proud every time she says it.  Her speech has exploded  . . . she is now trying to say "hold me," "mama come,"  "mama see."  She can say Isaac's name so clearly and Simon is starting to sound like "mamen" Imagine a little over 2 months ago she didn't know English. 
Madeline is such a gift from God!

Madeline recently got a new baby doll.  She loves "baby" so much.  She feeds her and rocks her and even puts her in the stroller

The Landrums are lovin' the baby pool this year!

God Bless Madeline!

Our little girl was Baptized this weekend!  It was so wonderful to have so many friends to celebrate.  My mom was able to come to town and brought the dress that she made for the special day.  She used left over material from my wedding dress, and it was simply beautiful.  Her skill is amazing!

Isn't she beautiful!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Summer Fun

Our official Summer break starts TODAY!!  Yeah . . .

Here are some new pictures from the past month.  We have been finishing up with school, had lots of doctors appointments, and back to back sporting events.  Thank God for summer!

Depending on the day, Madeline is totally in love with Mack. 
She likes to boss him around and points at him saying, "Get away from my food."

She gives the best hugs

Supporting the "C"

I love this shirt. 
Madeline is an answer to PRAYER

This is our new game . . . Madeline in the mop bucket and we slide across the hardwood floor.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lady J . . .

I don't know how many of you watch the cartoon, GI-JOE, but the boys love it, and they tell me that there is a character, Lady "J."  Last night the boys had Madeline in a camo bandanna marching around the house and saluting.  HOW Cute!  One day in bows and the next day in camo.

Super Serious "Lady J"

Happy Fun Little Madeline . . .

I was a little worried about dressing a little girl.  My mom always had bows in my hair, but I loved playing in the dirt and mud.  Can you believe it?  Madeline hates bows and loves the dirt.  I tell people all the time "God made her for our family!" 

Today we had some fun with the bubbles.

Don't you just love the butterfly on the back

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Museum of Nature and Science

We went on a Field Trip today to the Museum of Nature and Science.  They had a great exhibit on sharks for the boys and the much loved Children's Center for Madeline.  Thanks Grammy and Mr. Pete for the Membership this year!!! 

For some reason when I get the camera out Madeline squats and leans.  I wonder if it is because all of us squat to be on her level in pictures.  She seems to do it every time I say "cheese."  I guess we are still working on how to work the camera!

Madeline is lovin' the water!!  Bath Update: She started bath time out screaming while we were in China and now she is in the tub all by herself and playing with the Rubber Ducks that Uncle Keith and Aunt Jen bought her for Christmas.  Can't wait to see what she thinks of the pool this summer!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Here is a picture before the boys went to Easter Vigil!

Easter Morning!  Dad was the bunny this year!  He was awesome!
Look at those Rangers bags and treats! 

Jesus has Risen!  Alleluia!

Madeline was pointing to some birds and everyone joined in

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Everyday Living

This week has been fabulous!  Madeline and Mommy are really in sync and forming some great routines.  She is now sleeping through the night and in HER OWN BED!  Yeah, what an accomplishment.  Now we are all sleeping better :-D 

It has been fun seeing all of the out of the ordinary things that Madeline does.  For instance,  when we are eating at the table she takes a dish towel and holds it behind her neck until we tie it. 

She quickly wants it off, but has done this at least a half dozen times. 

One funny thing . . . when she coughs she would start patting her own back.  We had her going last night and she started to FAKE just so we would pat her back.  Simply Precious!

Two days ago we were playing in her Play Kitchen and she put her head under the faucet and starting washing then she asked Mommy to do the same. 

It boggles my mind to think that she had 2 years of experiences without us.  These are things we will never fully know, but one thing is for sure God made her for our family!  She sings and dances!  She can already put her hands together and pray.  She has the first part of the Sign of the Cross down. "In the Name of the Father and Son" but is still working on her hands to make "The Holy Spirit."  When we pray the Divine Mercy at 3 p.m. she raises her hands in praise and sings ...
"Holy God, Holy Mighty One." 


We had her initial Dr. appointment on Friday which went so well.  They are going to do some tests to make sure that things are working on her insides, but the first visit went better than I could have hoped for.  Sure beats her reaction at our initial health check in China.

Here are a few pictures from around the house!

Madeline was getting a GI JOE lesson from Simon

Happy Easter!  Jesus is Risen!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Getting Through the Sickness - Recap of our trip PART 2

Here is a fun pic of Madeline and her Popsicle.  It was so fun to watch her eat one for the first time.  She wrapped her lips around and just felt the cold.  She finally learned to eat it after watching Mommy. (I LOVE these Popsicles!)  She is still battling a lower grade temp, but has finally started eating real food again.  I feel like that is a plus! 

We have an appointment at the International Adoption Center at Dallas Children's to get a full eval and blood work along with a new round of vaccinations.  So with traveling on many different airplanes and lots of germs that Madeline has never been exposed to,  I pray that this stomach virus/ear infection, whatever it is, will GO AWAY!!

Here are some fun pictures that we pulled off the boys camera of our trip . . .

This is the bicycle/cart ride through an ancient town in Beijing

They were cooking something in this little shop

This one is minutes after meeting Madeline.  She was so brave!  She started shaking the bells that we brought and hugging her doll.  Simply precious!  To realize that she can do so much more than that boggles my mind.  She really let me feed her as if she needed to be fed.  She shook bells as if they were so fascinating.  Now she is home and showing me everyday all of her abilities.  Feeding herself, pouring water from cup to cup, even screwing caps onto bottles. Amazing!

Here is a picture of Madeline's Offical Adoption Paperwork.  In China you put your fingerprint over your signature in Red Ink.  The Chinese have such beauty in their culture.