Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lady J . . .

I don't know how many of you watch the cartoon, GI-JOE, but the boys love it, and they tell me that there is a character, Lady "J."  Last night the boys had Madeline in a camo bandanna marching around the house and saluting.  HOW Cute!  One day in bows and the next day in camo.

Super Serious "Lady J"

Happy Fun Little Madeline . . .

I was a little worried about dressing a little girl.  My mom always had bows in my hair, but I loved playing in the dirt and mud.  Can you believe it?  Madeline hates bows and loves the dirt.  I tell people all the time "God made her for our family!" 

Today we had some fun with the bubbles.

Don't you just love the butterfly on the back


  1. Looks like she's fitting right in!

  2. That is awesome... before long they will have her out playing airsoft! So CUTE!!
