Tuesday, December 13, 2011

One Step Closer

Yesterday, Simon saw the mailman drive off and said, "Mom,  Our adoption paper is in there."  In an effort to stay on task I told Simon that we would have to finish school and then check the mailbox.  Surely our renewal didn't come that fast.

Last week Jer and I went to the immigration office to update our fingerprints.  I forgot just how many immigrants lived in North Texas.  WOW, controlled chaos to say the least.

BUT . . . Simon was right, that amazing envelope with one piece of paper saying that we could adopt a child and bring her to the US was there.  One step closer to Madeline!

As we wait for our Letter of Acceptance from the Chinese gov't, I am busy filling out the I-800 and VISA documents so that we are ready.  Once we receive the LOA we should travel within 2 months. YEAH! Thanks be to God!