Friday, March 30, 2012

Getting Through the Sickness - Recap of our trip PART 2

Here is a fun pic of Madeline and her Popsicle.  It was so fun to watch her eat one for the first time.  She wrapped her lips around and just felt the cold.  She finally learned to eat it after watching Mommy. (I LOVE these Popsicles!)  She is still battling a lower grade temp, but has finally started eating real food again.  I feel like that is a plus! 

We have an appointment at the International Adoption Center at Dallas Children's to get a full eval and blood work along with a new round of vaccinations.  So with traveling on many different airplanes and lots of germs that Madeline has never been exposed to,  I pray that this stomach virus/ear infection, whatever it is, will GO AWAY!!

Here are some fun pictures that we pulled off the boys camera of our trip . . .

This is the bicycle/cart ride through an ancient town in Beijing

They were cooking something in this little shop

This one is minutes after meeting Madeline.  She was so brave!  She started shaking the bells that we brought and hugging her doll.  Simply precious!  To realize that she can do so much more than that boggles my mind.  She really let me feed her as if she needed to be fed.  She shook bells as if they were so fascinating.  Now she is home and showing me everyday all of her abilities.  Feeding herself, pouring water from cup to cup, even screwing caps onto bottles. Amazing!

Here is a picture of Madeline's Offical Adoption Paperwork.  In China you put your fingerprint over your signature in Red Ink.  The Chinese have such beauty in their culture.

1 comment:

  1. That popsicle picture is so CUTE!!! I sure hope Madeline is feeling better... our prayers are with her - keep us posted.

    We love you! Kiki and Wade
