Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Care Package #1

Every morning I rush to my computer to see if there is anything new.  In China it is around 11 p.m. and Madeline has put her head down to sleep for another day.   But in a few short days she should be seeing our faces for the first time.  Ann at has done an amazing job!  The little photo album holds 10 pictures.  I think it took us an hour to pick out our favorites.  Oh, and then it took another hour to pick out the most perfect stuffed animal.  Ok . . . we only had 3 animal choices, so it didn't take that long.

I can't wait to see if we get any updates!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Passport Heaven

The last week has been filled with more papers . . . but one amazing package.  We were given our Pre-Approval from the CCAA.  Our agency has sent a copy of our Application Review and the address to Madeline's Social Welfare Institute.  We have spent most of the morning picking out pictures and writing letters to send to her.  Some amazing friends have shared a website,, to have the package delivered directly to her next week.  Hopefully we will have new pictures of our little Madeline soon.

A Gift in my Inbox

On September 5th I decided that we were going to order Chinese food.  We had a lazy Labor Day and the kitchen was finally clean and we weren't about to mess it up again.  I went to my computer and low and behold the Lord gave me a gift in my inbox.  Two pictures . . . that was it.  Not a name or a file just two beautiful little pictures.  I yelled for Jer to come down to look  . . . He was speechless too!  We could finally see your face!